The People's Response To The Crisis: A Working Class, Internationalist Perspective

As the spread of COVID-19 exposes the dysfunction and illegitimacy of capitalist and imperialist system, we need to maintain an internationalist and working class analysis. This panel will bring together leaders, thinkers, and organizers in the struggle for the human right of healthcare, against xenophobia, and against imperialism to help us understand the COVID-19 crisis in the current moment.

The People's Forum is convening a recurring online space to hear and discuss current analysis and reports from leaders of people's movements and organization.

Speakers include Nijmie Dzurinko, Ben Wilkins, Shany Ebadi, Sheila Xiao, and members of the Qiao Collective.


Empire is the Virus: Iran, Cuba, Vietnam, & China's COVID-19 Fight Amidst US Aggression


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